Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just doing my part...

I spent the past hour making playdough for Little Brother's kindergarten class. At back-to-school night there were sign-ups for each month for playdough, and I took November. Made the stove top kind, with cream of tartar. Makes a nice playdough, but have you seen the price of cream of tartar lately??? I made four batches, which wiped out my large container of c.o.t. so that's all they're getting out of me. I don't really mind though. I kind of find kneading the warm dough to be relaxing, and I highly recommend running to your kitchen to whip up a batch right now if you have any kind of joint pain in your hands or wrists. Feels great. I'm also doing my volunteer stint in the classroom tomorrow. I just found out there have been three car break-ins in the school parking lot in the past five weeks, so I need to clean out the van before I leave in the morning so there's nothing tempting in there. Especially those Christmas presents I've been driving around hidden in the trunk - would be a big bah humbug to have those swiped.

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