So A. decided, at the last minute, that he wanted a birthday party. Seeing as he gave me about three days notice, I wasn't sure how it could possibly happen. Seeing as how I pretty much rock as a mom, I pulled it off. ;P
We invited my nephew over, and the kids started out with a gem scavenger hunt. This consisted of "mining" for gems all around the house. I used screen capture to get images of the gems, and then cut and pasted them to the inside of a piece of black construction paper that was folded in half on the horizontal. For fun I snagged a picture of a pickaxe and glued one to the front of each. I even found pictures of slag.
Once they kids had all found all the gems, they came to the table to make their Legendary Crowns of Wonder. These were foam visors (found on clearance at the party store) that I cut to look like crowns, and the kids attached self-sticking "gems" to them.
After that, it was time to go after the Zingo. I tell you, once Ganz starts making pinatas, they'll really have something going. Anyone familiar with the game "Wacky Zingoz" on WK world knows how these odd little creatures like to be hit with a bat (too weird for even me to make up). I bet you didn't know that they also like to be hit with Nerf darts! Yes, little known fact. So I taped the Zingo to the window, and then put strips of tape on the floor marking 25, 50, and 100 kinzcash. The further back they hit the Zingo from, the more kc they earned. All their money went into their own "wallet" (an envelope with their name on it). Each kid got 6 darts to shoot with. They liked that one. N. is a whiz with a dart gun, and racked up huge points. I didn't have enough play money to pay her off, so I handed her a credit card (actually one of those fake ones you get when they try to get you to apply).
Next it was time to be Dr. Quack's Assistant. This is a job you can do in WK world where you take care of animal patients. Each presents with an ailment or injury, and you have to give them the appropriate treatment. We had ice packs for bumps on the noggin, cold medicine for snuffly noses, and bandages for scrapes. Like pin the tale on the donkey, we blindfolded each kid, spun them around, and sent them fumbling toward the wall. Each kid got paid for doing the job.
And what do you do with all that cash? W Shop, of course! I set up a W Shop on the table, individualized for each kid (only one person can be in the W Shop at a time), with items to purchase marked with their cost. Each of them had the opportunity to "buy" an item of WK clothing, pack of trading cards, squishy ball, wristbands, candy necklace, flashing lizard pen, and frog pencils. Only A. didn't have quite enough kc, and went out to pop off a few more darts at the Zingo so he could finish his purchase. The W Shop stuff was basically their party favors/goody bag.
We (the kids and grown-ups) all had a lot of fun, and I'm glad A. had a good time. I'm also glad we only had the three kids because it allowed me to go ahead and have cool stuff in the W Shop that I wouldn't have splurged for if we'd had more guests.
So that's the story of our 5 year old's Webkinz birthday party!
1 comment:
Looked like a very fun party for A. Did'nt understand the Webkinz but went out to the net and learned all about it. How fun is that site!! I think your dad and I need the Lil Chihuahua. Love the chair for him/her. What a fun thing for the kids. We'll have to look into this a little more or maybe you can tell us more. Sharon
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