Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Feeling "at home"

Aside from physical location, people will often say that they "feel at home" in certain situations. For example, maybe you feel right at home when you are out shopping on the streets of a big city, or hiking through the backcountry. Conversely, either one of those things might make you feel completely out of your element.

I bring this up because last week Hubby came home from work with an invitation to an upcoming awards dinner. He's up for Engineer of the Year, and is one of 3 finalists, narrowed down from a pool of nominees. This is a well-deserved honor, as this past year has been especially grueling for him. It feels good to see hard work and quality being noticed. Of course with Hubby and I both being fairly introverted by nature, him especially so, we're having trouble seeing past the dinner that's taking place at a yacht club on Lake Washington. My stomach gets tied up in knots just thinking about it, but then I tend to get myself worked up in advance of things like this, creating more suffering than will actually take place once the big day arrives. It's my nature. I'm so much fun to live with, LOL!

So for me, feeling at home does not resemble getting dressed up and attending a multi-course dinner with a bunch of strangers. It would probably help if you knew that for me getting dressed up involves putting on my best pair of jeans, clean tennis shoes, and one of my nice t-shirts. For hubby, feeling at home definitely doesn't involve being singled out in front of others to receive an award. He'd probably appreciate it more if they handed the award to him at his desk some afternoon, along with a gift certificate to Black Angus. It would certainly involve less anxiety.

My question to you is: Where do you feel like a fish out of water?

...and, maybe more importantly: Where do you feel at home?

1 comment:

Kila said...

Being up in front of a crowd like that would make me uncomfortable, too!

I feel at home when enjoying the outdoors (anywhere) with my boys.