Sunday, June 1, 2008

Giving NaBloPoMo a try...

I've never done this before. NaBloPoMo challenges bloggers to make a blog post each day for an entire month. They even provide a writing prompt to help provide inspiration (though I read that you aren't *required* to write on the topic if you don't want to). The topic this month is "home". I've got lots of ideas in my head already, but I'm running low on time on this first day of June. In my home, there are currently two little rugrats running around in their jammies, sounding not unlike wild banshees (though banshees are actually female spirits that warn of impending death - I looked that up so I could spell "banshees" right) , and expecting Mommy Dearest to read them a bedtime story. Home Sweet Home.

1 comment:

Kila said...

I post most days, but not every day. Some of my blogging friends have done NaBloPoMo. When you HAVE TO post every day, then it's not as fun!