Monday, December 3, 2007

Glub, glub...

Well, the snow was fun. We ended up with about 5 inches of fluffy white stuff by the time all was said and done... and then the rain came. The snow turned into rain yesterday, and the temperature has gone up over 25 degrees from where it was just two days ago. We're all familiar with the freezing point of water, so you know what happened to all that snow. Then add 5 inches of rain in a single day, (and it's still falling). Our neighborhood is fine (though the seasonal stream in our backyard has returned), but here is a video from the downtown area that gives you an idea of the volume of water we've got around here right now.

My dad asked me today if I had started the kids on their next backyard homeschool project: building an ark. Hardy, har, har.

1 comment:

Kila said...

It's all ice and snow here!

I hope things dry out there a bit!