Friday, April 27, 2007


I was laying in bed this morning with my two kidlets, and I was thinking just how perfectly they fit on either side of me, all snuggled up with a head on each shoulder. I'd already been up for a couple of hours, and was gathering up a load of towels to wash from the pile in my room. N. was still snoozing in our bed, and A. was downstairs watching Curious George. I started the washing machine, and decided to head back up to crawl into bed next to my girl.

She had a hard time falling asleep last night, and had really pushed mommy right up to the edge - angry words were said sometime around her fifth time out of bed (and Grey's was on!), but all my irritation at having a nearly 8 yr. old who gets "lonely" and can't fall asleep on her own simply melted away when I saw her sleeping so soundly under the covers. She woke up shortly after I got there, and laid her head down on my arm. Since she was a tiny baby, I've always thought that was the best - being there when they wake up, seeing that smile spread across their face at seeing you there next to them. A. has never really wanted anything to do with anybody else at night, and sleeps blissfully through the night without our assistance, but his big sis has always craved the presence of someone else around. She immediately told me about the great dream she'd been having, and how she wished she could figure out how to fall back to sleep and keep dreaming good dreams. Then she started picking at my neck mole - which is somehow far less endearing, LOL!

A. rolled on into the room and took up his spot on the other side of me, and it was in that moment I found Mommy Heaven. Two warm little bodies, with soft, smooth cheeks, snuffly noses, and, in that instant, both adoring their Momma. I know those moments will become few and further between in the years to come. I have to remember that, so that I can slow time in those brief moments and try to capture every sound, smell, and touch. Someday we won't need to make extra room for Spotsy and Blue Pup in the bed. Someday my girl won't need me to tuck her in at night, or wander into our room, and quietly climb into bed with Mommy and Daddy, so subtly that we don't even know that she's there. Someday they'll both be bigger than me, and will have More Important Things To Do than snuggle with old Mom. For now I'll treasure these perfect moments in time, and let them carry me through. Perfection.

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