Monday, July 16, 2007

A new term: "Tidal Homeschooling"

I came across this term and this blog on a yahoo group that I'm on. The yahoo group is for users who want to pursue a Charlotte Mason approach in their homeschooling, but from a secular perspective. Anyway, someone posted about this term "Tidal Homeschooling" which describes the ebb and flow in the lives of some homeschooling families. Times of "high tide" parent-led journeys through various subjects, balanced with stretches of "low tide" child-led pursuits. Sort of a mix between a formal and unschooling approach. I think the term fits our family's homeschooling quite well!

And in other news: My little girl is 8 today!!! Where, oh where has the time gone? Knowing that we are approaching the halfway point of our time with her as a child (officially anyway, because we all know that they remain your children forever) makes me feel sad. I miss her childhood already, especially knowing what the years ahead will hold. It's too bad these wonderful little creatures have to go through the teen years before they can come out as adults on the other side! Happy Birthday, Bug.

1 comment:

vegiemama said...

Happy 8th birthday to N! She's growing up too fast. Sure wish we could keep our kids young a whole lot longer!