Poor A. is so sensitive. There are some younger kids in his class who are always goofing around and being silly, not staying on the wall to wait their turn to swim across, and generally thrashing around and bumping into the other kids. A. just can't take it. He hates to be too close to anybody else, and more than that, he hates when people don't follow the rules. When a kid starts playing with a toy, he takes it from them and sticks it back in the basket, and, nearly in hysterics tells them: "It's not playtime yet! We can't play with those during class!". Today when the kids were lined up on the side getting ready to jump in, the boy next to him didn't have his toes up to the edge. A. cried out: "Wait! Wait! His toes aren't on the edge, he's gonna get hurt!" (this based on his interpretation of the sign posted on the fence that shows someone diving in and breaking their neck). Of course, he didn't seem to feel that the rules applied to him when class was over and it was time for him to get out. He came *t h i s c l o s e* to losing playtime after his next lesson. That threat from his teacher definitely lit a fire under him, LOL! Oh, and there's a preschool going on in the play area just outside of the pool. For the last month there were never any kids out there, but the schedule has changed now that it's summer. The last two days there's been this kid there, looks to be A's age, but a little bigger. A. is terrified of him. I watched him give A. kind of a look - sort of a "back off kid" kind of glare, which made A. wilt and duck behind me. He accels at many things, but social confidence is more N's territory, that's for sure!
N's bday party is the day after tomorrow. I still need to assemble gift bags, pick up the cake at Costco, and email parents to remind them to have their kids bring socks to wear. The party is at a roller skating rink, and I'd hate for all these kids to show up in sandals with no socks. It will be interesting to see how the party goes. N. has never actually been rollerskating before, but she thought this sounded fun. She's a little disappointed that we aren't splurging for everyone to rent rollerblades. At $4 extra X 16 kids, that just isn't happening! We have friends coming from out of town tomorrow to stay overnight and come to the party, and we're looking forward to their visit.
LOL - the dog just let out this big whimper, which completely startled me. I looked over, and he's sound asleep in the middle of some crazy dog dream.
Is it obvious I'm avoiding housework? Man I suck at keeping house.
Earned my second SparkPeople trophy today!!! Aren't you impressed...

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