Here's a picture from the night she bridged from Daisies to Brownies, taken two-and-a-half years ago in December 2005...
We took a few pictures before leaving for the meeting...
Her new leader asked me to present her wings to her, since I've been her Brownie leader for the past two years.
Then she crossed the bridge and "bridged" to Juniors. They welcomed her into junior girl scouts...
...and then they all did the Girl Scout Promise together, and sang the Make New Friends song (we accidently left her new vest at home, or she would have been wearing it after crossing the bridge).
Cool tights! Congratulations on your graduation/bridging! So nice to see your face.
Please tell N Congrats from Grandpa and Grandma. We are very proud of her and know she will be a great addition to the Girl Scouts. They are very lucky to have her.
Aww, she's grown up. Congrats to her! :)
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