I have to start by acknowledging the passing of our beloved Tommy Ratboy. He was struck by some kind of virus that swiftly knocked him down last week. Monday he was fine, but by Thursday he had ulcers on his eyes and was coughing. I called to try to get him into the vet, but the small animal doc wasn't available until yesterday (Monday) evening. He really went downhill over the weekend, but was hanging on to the bitter end. The vet advised us to have him put to sleep. That was a moment in my parenting career that I don't want to relive anytime soon. Poor kids, big sis especially, but little brother, too. Both of them in tears, big sis nearly wailing, me with a tear in my eye over the pain they were feeling. Even the vet got teary. Man that was hard. We brought his little body home and buried him in the backyard. The crying continued for my girl until sleep took over at bedtime, and resumed again when she awoke this morning. I hate hurts that I can't fix.
Over the weekend, our family went camping with our homeschool group out at Camano Island. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, and we had a fantastic time. I love seeing all the kids of different ages all playing together, watching out for each other, and having a good time. A couple of dads shared their fabulous musical skills at the evening campfire, and kids told jokes and made up stories. It was an awesome way to wrap-up the end of summer.
I'm currently sitting up in bed, with a wad of gauze where my tooth used to be. I'm happy to report that my experience with this oral surgeon was very positive - quite a relief after past procedures with other dentists that bordered on barbaric. This doctor and his staff were great. I'll have a gaping hole, where this tooth used to be, for about four months before a crown is put in its place. At least the jagged tooth is gone now. Someday I'll be able to smile again without feeling self-conscious. In the meantime, maybe I can incorporate this into a Halloween costume???
Today is a homeschool "vacation day". This afternoon I'm just taking it easy - watching last week's presidential debate online, icing my mouth, drugged up on pain pills, and changing out my gauze every once and a while. And getting caught up on my blog!
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