The kids and I watched the President being sworn in, which meant that Little Brother was a little late to school today. I really wanted to watch it, and it was important to me that Big Sister watch it, so I didn't sweat him getting to school one minute late.
Both kids were glued to the screen while Obama took the oath - Brother let out a loud "Woo-Hoo!" when I confirmed for him that Obama was now president. Then I ran us out to the van (which I'd already scraped free of ice an hour earlier), and we listened to the Inauguration address as we drove Brother to school. I went with him to the office to get a pass to class (we just barely missed the bell), and then Big Sister and I continued to listen to the remainder of Obama's speech in the car.
In preparation for the big day, we had watched a video on the history of inaugurations at
Came home, and it was back to business as usual. We plugged away at some seatwork, and got more done then I'd planned (I should say: as much as I'd hoped we'd accomplish, but more than I expected, lol) - things have been going very smoothly in the past week or so. It probably helped that Big Sister had yet another Warriors manga book that she was eager to get started on! We have a chemistry experiment to get to this afternoon, and then just some math problems she'll do while Little Brother does homework tonight.
The Little Man watched it at school this morning and was so excited to talk about it when he got home. I was really happy that they had them watch it.
That's cool! It sounds like a number of schools let their students watch the inauguration. It didn't appear that A's school did that, but I could be wrong. I asked if he mentioned to anyone in his class why he was late, and he said no. He said he didn't say anything about watching the inauguration because he "didn't want them to be too amazed", LOL!
LOL - he cracks me up.
The Little Man and I had a long talk about it tonight. He seems to have taken a lot away from the past few days. I wrote about it on my blog tonight.
Little Brother for President!
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