Just placed my order for RealScience4Kids Level 1 Biology. We've been really happy with Pre-level 1 Chemistry, which we are about to finish up. Real science, using the real language of science, at a level easily comprehensible to kids, coupled with experiments that utilize materials that are easy to come by - perfect. I'd like to note that this is one of a very select group of curriculum I've actually used and stuck with for any stretch of time.

Also in that category would be Singapore math, which I also place an order for today. Moving on to Primary Math 4A.

And I recently decided to give Explode the Code a try with Big Sister. Trying to fill in any gaps, and solidify some concepts in order to help improve her spelling. If nothing else, she's enjoying the workbooks.
As usual, I placed my order for all of these materials at Rainbow Resource. They're my favorite all-in-one spot to fill our homeschooling needs. Rainbow Resource is a business owned by homeschooling family, and their prices are generally less than I would pay if I were to buy directly from the publishers. Granted, I break even after shipping charges, but I still feel good knowing I'm taking my business to fellow homeschoolers.
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