On Sunday we had a lot of yardwork to accomplish, seeing as how sunny weekend days are hard to come by this time of year. We also had my nephew, J-Man, over. When I went to pick him up at my sister's, I mentioned to him that I had a couple of jobs in mind for him, and that there might be payment involved.
"Quarters??!" he asked, enthusiastically.
LOL - that's my kind of yard help!
Little Brother wasn't interested in helping in the yard, even when I dangled the prospect of quarters in his face. Big Sister and J-Man were my eager helpers. I set my nephew to work raking leaves under the apple tree, and my girl was supposed to pick up all the nasty, rotten, moldy, disgusting apples from off the ground. Turns out that neither of them was too impressed with their assigned tasks, and they switched after five minutes or so. It turns out that tossing putrid apples into a yard waste bin from 20 feet away is a much sought after job if you're a 6-yr. old boy. 9-yr. old girls would rather be distanced from such filth by the length of a rake handle. Or more.
And, as luck would have it, both kids walked off the job within 15 minutes. I raked leaves AND picked up all of the sour, decomposed apple flesh that littered the ground, all by myself.
Not one to be deterred from possible financial gain, J-Man came over and asked when he was getting paid. I told him no work, no pay. To which Big Sister concurred...
Sister: "That's true. You have to do something to make money".
J-Man: "Not guards. Guards just have to stand in one spot. I want to be a guard".
Sister: "Or a judge - they just sit down all day. I think I'd like to be a judge when I grow up. They get paid to do nothing".
Kids are brilliant, aren't they?