Tuesday, November 25, 2008

They don't make them like they used to...

It seems our washing machine is broken. I'm not sure how broken, but the dial you turn to start the cycle? it just spins without any resistance. In the process of trying to pry the knob off/get it to do something other than spin there uselessly, I somehow got it to start up again. I have no idea what kind of a cycle it's currently doing, but it filled with water and sounds like its agitating. We'll see what happens.

Have you ever noticed that these sorts of things only happen after you've been out-of-town for a couple of days and are preparing to leave town again in the next 48 hours? This would never have happened if I were caught up on laundry! They also generally happen when the dear hubby is working 60+ hours/week. I'd like to have another adult in the house before I go poking around the insides of large appliances, seeing as how my mechanical aptitude doesn't extend much beyond "righty-tighty, lefty-loosey". These incidences also tend to occur immediately following the completion of all your online Christmas shopping for the kids (if I didn't get to your gifts prior to the WMI (washing machine incident), you have my apologies - don't be too surprised if you receive these from us this year, seeing as how any remaining Xmas budget may have a new purpose). Karma is kooky that way.


Anonymous said...

There is something very wrong with you! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Laura K. said...

Well that's a given. Two pairs of special slippers for you!